Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Night Sweats and Pregnancy

So when I'm googling Night Sweats, I always come across posts on forums like "I'm pregnant and in my first trimester and have been having crazy night sweats. Is there anything wrong?" or "I have night sweats just before and during my period. I want to have a baby soon....will this hurt my chances of trying to conceive?"

I always want to post back with my 2 cents, but with posts from way back in 2006, the original poster probably figured it out one way or another.

So I had night sweats for years before I first got pregnant. I had no difficulty in conceiving or problems during pregnancy. Both pregnancies were  uncomplicated. Both children are healthy. I have never had a miscarriage.

With both pregnancies, the night sweats started 2 days before I was supposed to get my period (which never happened, obviously!) and continued for most of the first trimester. I don't think I had them at all during 2nd and 3rd trimester. With my first baby, they started up again 2 or 3 days before I delivered. I thought they may do the same with the 2nd and predict when I would go into labor, but that didn't happen :)

Night sweats postpartum were really severe, and were also accompanied by some serious chills. I think that lasted at least a few weeks...not longer than 2 months. After that I didn't have any night sweats at all when I was breastfeeding. I also didn't get my period back until after I had completely weaned. Then, both times, the sweats started up again with the period. Pity :(


  1. Hi, I am 33 years old. I had my fourth baby 2 months ago, stopped breastfeeding about 3 weeks ago, and got my first period yesterday. Last night I woke up to find I was soaked in sweat, my night dress, the sheets all soaked. I have never had a night sweat before. I am a little concerned but hoping it is just my hormone levels normalizing. What do you think?

  2. I had night sweats before i had a baby, the same thing as you, a couple days before my period i start having the night sweats and then throughout my period and then they would end until the next period. when i was pregnant i didn't have them and i didn't have them while i was breastfeeding, but as soon as i slowed that down, and got my period back, the night sweats started full force and my kid is two and they continue to go on and it can make you crazy. i read john r. lee's book what your doctor may not tell you about premenopause and have done everything he has suggested, vitamins, lotion, i have not tried herbs yet. for 3 months or more, doesn't seem to work, yet antway.
