Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How My Night Sweats Started

They started with a bang when I was 20. For whatever reason, my period had stopped. I think probably due to lots of personal and academic stress that I was going through at the time. Anyway, as soon as I missed my period, the night sweats started. Every night. Even during naps during the daytime. I remember falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon while sitting studying on a friend's bed and when I woke up her entire comforter and all her pillows were drenched...I felt so bad and made some excuse about spilling water and ran out and got her new bedding.

Of course my first thought is that I must have some terrible disease (google night sweats and AIDS and cancer is usually the diagnosis). So I started y visiting my obgyn. He was puzzled. He started me on birth control 'to make sure that I could bleed'?, took some tests, and gave up trying to find out. I must have found out that I wasn't dying so I sort of gave up too.

My period eventually returned, but the night sweats stayed. I eventually found the link to my menstrual cycle. Over 10 years later, I am again motivated to try and get to the bottom of what is causing them. I am still visiting doctors who can't provide much more insight, and I am still googling.....

Anyone remember a specific point when the night sweats started?

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